vrijdag 1 november 2013

For all the lovely readers of this blog...

Not that there are many, but I still love you all! Thanks for sticking with me on this not-so-up-to-date blog!

The beginning of this blog really sounds like a goodbye. Well good news, it isn't! I have decided to go a bit more pro on blogging, so I made a new blog. I intend to keep this new blog up to date, with several posts a week about all kinds of stuff. Travelling, fashion, quotes, inspiration etc. So if you want to follow me there, here is the link to my new blog: http://little-explorer.weebly.com/

You can also follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/IlseExplorer 

This blog will be deleted eventually. 

woensdag 30 oktober 2013

30 day challenge, day 14

I'm not even going to say that I'm bad at keeping a blog up to date. I haven't posted in a month! Oh well.

Day 14: Put your iPod on shuffle, tell us the first 10 songs that play.

My iPod is upstairs right now, and I'm too lazy to get up and get it. So instead I put my iTunes on shuffle, and these are the 10 first songs:

1. Lady GaGa - Summerboy
2. Metro Station - Shake it (I wonder why I still have that song in my iTunes)
3. MakeBelieve - Home
4. Muse - Invincible
5. Yasunori Ebina - 05 (from a Naruto soundtrack)
6. The Script - Talk You Down
7. The White Strips - Hotel Yorba
8. Only Seven Left - Lost and Found
9. The White Stripes - Instinct Blues
10. Paramore - Future

zondag 29 september 2013

30 days challenge, day 13

Day 13: Tell us about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any.

And I have! 

For starters I have 4 earrings, 2 in each ear. Fun fact is that I don't wear earrings that often. When I wear them, I mostly wear only 2 instead of 4. 

Beside the earrings I have one more piercing, in my tongue. Fun fact about that is that I don't like needles that much, but I ignored that for the piercing in my tongue. I wanted it so bad, and I still don't regret it. I have my piercing since October 2008, almost 5 years already! Here is a photo of it. This photo was taken the day I got it.

I have only one tattoo, but as soon as I figured out what I want I'm going to have a second tattoo. I was very nervous the day I got my tattoo, because I was afraid it would hurt very bad. But my tattoo was done in only a minute or so! It is a very small music note on my upper right leg. My second tattoo will be placed on my left shoulder. I have a photo of it somewhere, but I can't find it right now.

vrijdag 27 september 2013

30 days challenge, day 12

Day 12: In detail, tell us about one thing you hate

This one is easy, I really hate spiders. I am so scared of them, and I have been since my childhood. I've had a severe trauma. When I was about 7 years old, I was playing outside near our house. I accidentally  kicked my soccer ball in the bushes, and went in the bushes to get it. A few minutes later my belly was itchy. When I lifted my shirt, there was a HUGE spider on my belly. I have been afraid of spiders ever since.

I know they are useful, because they catch flies and other insects. When they are outside, I don't mind them. But when I find one in my house... If there is someone home, I'll ask that person to catch the spider. But when I'm home alone, I just take out the vacuum cleaner and catch the spider with it. 

I just can't express how scared I am of spiders. 

donderdag 26 september 2013

30 days challenge, day 11

Okay, I'll admit: I'm very bad at keeping my blog up to date. 

Day 11: Things you want to say to 3 people

This is a hard one, because I try to tell people the things I want to say to them. I don't like talking behind peoples backs, as I have experienced that and I really hate it when that happens. 

dinsdag 17 september 2013

30 days challenge, day 10

Day 10: Post your favorite quote

I have two favorite quotes. 

The first one is: "Alles komt altijd goed." (in English: "Everything will be alright.")

The second one is: "You can bend me, but you cannot break me."

I have no idea who's quotes they are, but I like them a lot.

maandag 16 september 2013

30 days challenge, day 9

This is really bad. I haven't posted in two weeks! I'm sorry. I will keep this blog up to date, starting now.

Day 9: Tell us about your day in detail

Last night I fell asleep on the couch, so I woke up there this morning around 8:30 am. I drank coffee with my mom. When she went to work, I walked the dog. The rest of day was spent on working on my paper. Then I had dinner with my family, and cleaned some things afterwards. And now I'm updating my blog.
I found my DeviantART back today, so I updated my DeviantART as well.